Tuesday, March 2, 2010

There has got to be a logical explanation for this one...



Don't think I didn't try to get the driver's attention to figure out why it was there.  Alas...

Mr. Yuk needs to learn how to park

And to think - this was outside of the liquor store.

Monday, March 1, 2010

MSNBC is good for many things

First of all, I happened to pass by the TV as it was tuned into Chris Matthews.  My TV is a liberal socialist, by the way.  Anyway, he was on a segment called Let Me Finish.  I thought this was pretty rich coming from Mr. Matthews, but I digress.  I do like Mr. Matthews, and I love how he'll eviscerate every right-leaning pundit who comes on his show.  That being said, never once have I seen him let one of them finish a thought.  It's hilarious.  I don't know if it's because they truly never give him a straight answer in the first place, or because he wants to make them feel stupid.  Which is a point - they're not all that bright to go on Chris Matthews and expect a fair trial, as it were.
Anyway, whatever Matthews was talking about in his segment tonight passed me by - I didn't have the energy or attention span to figure out what was up.  It's ok though, I'm sure it's one of many.

Which leads me to, Keith Olbermann's "special comment", prior to Rachel Maddow, after the Olympics coverage ended for the night.  Why yes, I watched all of the above.
Anyway, of all of the feisty, overzealous talking heads, Olbermann is my favorite.  Sure, he's kind of irrational and easily excited.  He makes for good TV that way.  Can I take Jon Stewart a little more seriously?  Maybe, but the humor I get from Olbermann is a little more organic (or possibly, unintentional).
That being said, Keith is a smart guy, and I agree with him on most of his talking points.  Unfortunately, I think his message gets lost to those Americans who aren't pissed off liberals who enjoy a good rant on their cable news networks.  However, some of his commentary really should be seen - by everyone.

This is from the day before the Healthcare Summit, speaking about his father who is gravely ill, and the events leading up to his comment.  It's both deeply moving, and entirely genuine.  I'm glad he chose to use his given platform to relay such a message to the public, I just wish he didn't turn so many of them off on a regular basis.

Olbermann: All Americans should be able to make medical decisions free of worry about the cost.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Really, aren't they all beverages?


So, I have officially done it.  I have pissed off my old manager at the Picture People to the point where he's going off the deep end, and trying to exert his "authority" in the most passive way possible.
Super long story short, I worked for this place from October until January.  I was let go under false pretenses, and lied to, and about by the district manager.  Turns out, he has no backbone and is a sneaky little ass, who has no respect for his employees.  Possible info on all of this later.

In any case, I found out that a bff of one of the store managers had been re-hired (she left voluntarily about the same time I was axed) into a position that I was told didn't exist.  She posted this on facebook, as she was a facebook "friend" of mine at the time.

I really enjoyed the job, I worked hard at it, and was good.  I made good sales, had happy customers and always stayed late or came in when I wasn't scheduled to help out.  I even helped with things off the clock, which I had no problem with, because honestly, I loved the store managers (still do, although they probably don't know that), and the store, so I wanted to help any way I could.

So, I call employee relations, because that's what you do when you've been screwed.  I pretty much know I don't have a case, but as the blog says, I'm full of piss and vinegar and wanted to get under the DM's skin.  Fun for me, it worked.

Apparently no one is supposed to talk to me about work at all.  Not like I give a shit what goes on there, just what the DM is doing because it's fun.
Then, they all get an email about "what to do when managers and employees are friends on facebook.  At one point, I was friends with each manager on facebook, as well as most of my coworkers.  We were all pretty close, it was a casual environment, and it didn't seem like any boundaries were being crossed.  I deleted most of the people I had worked with because 1 - I hardly talked to them anyway, and 2 - I didn't see the point in rocking the boat for the store managers any more than I already had, as I had posted a pissy comment on my page as soon as I found out I had been lied to.

The fun part about this?  I'm no longer an employee, so if I'm friends with a manager on facebook, there's nothing they can do.  Granted, I don't want to screw anyone who doesn't deserve it, but it's not going to happen when the DM doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as my FB friends.

I'll post the whole background info later, I'm just sharing my entertainment for now :)